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The story begins in 1912, twenty-five years after the events described in the original novel. Dr. Jack Seward, now a disgraced morphine addict, hunts vampires across Europe with the help of a mysterious benefactor. Meanwhile, Quincey Harker, the grown son of Jonathan and Mina, leaves law school to pursue a career in stage at London's famous Lyceum Theatre. The production of Dracula at the Lyceum, directed and produced by Bram Stoker, has recently lost its star. Luckily, Quincey knows how to contact the famed Hungarian actor Basarab, who agrees to take the lead role. Quincey soon discovers that the play features his parents and their former friends as characters, and seems to reveal much about the terrible secrets he's always suspected them of harbouring. But, before he can confront them, Jonathan Harker is found murdered. The writers were able to access Bram Stoker's hand-written notes and have included in their story characters and plot threads that had been excised by the publisher from the original printing over a century ago. Dracula is one of the most recognized fictional characters in the world, having spawned dozens of multi-media spin-offs. The Un-Dead is the first Dracula story to enjoy the full support of the Stoker estate since the original 1931 movie starring Bela Lugosi.
故事起始於1912年,也就是原小說所描述的事件二十五年之後。顏面掃地的嗎啡吸食者傑克·蘇厄德博士在神秘資助人的幫助下開始在歐洲獵殺吸血鬼。與此同時,強納森與米娜已成年的兒子昆西·哈克離開法學院,力圖登上在倫敦家喻戶曉的蘭心大戲院。當時的蘭心大戲院正在製作由布拉姆·史托克導演兼出品的《德古拉》。由於劇中主要人物退演導致戲劇的製作無法繼續。 幸運的是,昆西知道如何連絡答應出演該劇主角的匈牙利演員巴薩拉布。 很快,他就發現自己的父母及父母曾經的朋友也作為角色出現在這部戲劇中,而且這部戲劇似乎要揭露..........